Fortnite will let you buy and wear Crocs

Fortnite will let you buy and wear Crocs

A pair of green Crocs.

Image credit: Adobe

Fortnite’s next crossover is with Crocs, the ugly clog brand whose socks-and-sandals sense of fashion can now be seen on every high street.

Starting tonight, at Fortnite’s next shop refresh, you’ll be able to snap up a set of classic Crocs for 1000 V-Bucks (£7). These digital shoes can then be worn by most in-game skins, customising their look.

Several different pairs of Crocs will be available, and they come with the option to disable their “Jibbitz” – the accessories you can buy and snap into the Crocs’ holes.

Fortnite Crocs.

Fortnite’s initial offering of Crocs. | Image credit: Epic Games / @PoketOfficial

Fortnite first began flogging virtual shoes last year, and has so far offered a few dozen Nike and Adidas trainer varieties, as well as a smattering of original designs. (I bought the Meowscles slippers, and know I’m part of the problem.)

Would it be funny to see Peely the Banana dressed in Crocs? Possibly. Should you spend £7 of your money on this? I leave that judgement call up to you.

In other Fortnite news, today’s big update sees Black Market backrooms open up with access to Exotic items. The game has also briefly resurrected The Getaway, its pretty fun heist-themed Limited Time Mode from a few years back that you can play in Duos or Squads in Zero Build or with building enabled.

Last week, Epic Games responded to a newly-proposed class-action lawsuit that alleged it operated Fortnite’s in-game store using “the illusion of scarcity” and “FOMO” in regards to its store items. “This complaint contains factual errors and does not reflect how Fortnite operates,” Epic Games said.

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