Mini Review: Can Of Wormholes (Switch)

Mini Review: Can Of Wormholes (Switch)

Roll tape Version Reviewed: North American review by Roland Ingram Yesterday, 2pm Greetings, worms! Finally, for all you readers who are worms, scouring Nintendo Life for worm-related content, here’s a game that puts annelids front and centre. Wiggling onto Switch from solo dev Munted Finger, Can of Wormholes dares to open that proverbial can and…

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Iterative narrative design for video games

Iterative narrative design for video games

Image via Lex Photography. Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with Articy Draft, Unreal Speech or Unreal Engine. We simply landed on a workflow that incorporates these tools and want to share how they help us create our game on a low budget. The Problem: Game narratives change all the time during the production…

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