Arab Saudi Sepelekan Timnas Indonesia, Garuda Bukan Lawan Sepadan Green Falcon di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

Arab Saudi Sepelekan Timnas Indonesia, Garuda Bukan Lawan Sepadan Green Falcon di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

MUHAMMAD ALIF AZIZ MARDIANSYAH/BOLASPORT.COM Skuad timnas Indonesia sedang berlatih dengan jersey model baru di Lapangan B, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (30/8/2024). SUPERBALL.ID – Timnas Indonesia dianggap bukan sebagai lawan sepadan Timnas Arab Saudi pada putaran ketiga Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026. Komentar itu dilontarkan oleh mantan pelatih tim berjuluk Green Falcon, Khalil Al Zayani. Pendapat pelatih legendaris…

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“The culmination of 45-plus years developing a sound that’s perfect in every possible way… Prepare to be amazed”: MXR’s new Yngwie Malmsteen signature overdrive pedal could be its most dynamic overdrive to date

“The culmination of 45-plus years developing a sound that’s perfect in every possible way… Prepare to be amazed”: MXR’s new Yngwie Malmsteen signature overdrive pedal could be its most dynamic overdrive to date

MXR has continued its signature stompbox hot streak by releasing a Yngwie Malmsteen overdrive pedal. The effects firm’s latest drive pedal is the result of a close collaboration between with the Swedish guitar maestro, and has been “perfectly tailored” to enhance the full throttle neoclassical shred skills that Malmsteen is known for. (Image credit: MXR)…

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“Mick Jagger was moving around like a marionette, responding to every squeak coming out of my guitar”: Eric Bazillian on playing with a Rolling Stone, writing Joan Osborne’s One of Us – and helping Cyndi Lauper find a career-defining hit

“Mick Jagger was moving around like a marionette, responding to every squeak coming out of my guitar”: Eric Bazillian on playing with a Rolling Stone, writing Joan Osborne’s One of Us – and helping Cyndi Lauper find a career-defining hit

Eric Bazillion is nothing if not patient. The Hooters singer-songwriter and guitarist has waited a long while to be featured in Guitar World – 40 years, to be exact – so he was understandably elated to sit down for an interview. “I don’t think I’ve ever been mentioned in any guitar magazine before,” he says….

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“Allan recorded a bunch of takes. He apologized, saying they all sucked… Of course, every note he played was miraculous”: Grammy-nominated virtuoso Alex Masi on why he turned down Stevie Ray Vaughan, his Allan Holdsworth collab and time with Shawn L

“Allan recorded a bunch of takes. He apologized, saying they all sucked… Of course, every note he played was miraculous”: Grammy-nominated virtuoso Alex Masi on why he turned down Stevie Ray Vaughan, his Allan Holdsworth collab and time with Shawn L

Alex Masi has lived several musical lives – but for the uninitiated, his finest hour in rock came in 1989, when his album Attack of the Neon Shark netted him a Grammy nomination. He’d picked up the guitar in his native Venice, Italy, and later became involved in the UK’s New Wave of British Heavy…

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“Why wouldn’t you stay in the Sphere and make a lot of money? Because it’s not as much fun. It doesn’t last forever. Look at how many musicians have passed away. What are you going to do with what you have?” Trey Anastasio explains Phish’s joy

“Why wouldn’t you stay in the Sphere and make a lot of money? Because it’s not as much fun. It doesn’t last forever. Look at how many musicians have passed away. What are you going to do with what you have?” Trey Anastasio explains Phish’s joy

Most bands that survive for four decades enter into a nostalgic phase of their career. But Phish is on fire in year 41. The quartet, which formed in 1983 in Burlington, Vermont, released Evolve, their 16th studio album, in July. Their 26-date summer tour includes Mondegreen, a four-day gathering in Dover, Delaware, that is their…

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